Archive for Thoughts on WoW

Getting Somewhere

Time for an update on how step two and three is going…

The fine line between…

Alliance on Wildhammer (EU) and Horde on Vek’nilash (EU)

I’ve played two hours without meeting a single person I would call a moron, which would be nothing short of a miracle. There was a lot more than one person in the starter area, although, it might be unfair to set the bar so high with… one. Stormwind is rife with Alliance players, I will miss going for a nice quiet stroll in as a Horde. The starter area is dense with wildlife, but I can’t help think there is something coincidental about the word ‘dense’.

That’s it for now on that, I’m more than pleased with it so far. However, I only plan to do a quick update every ten levels or so, so don’t expect them too often; I’ll stick to healing as much as possible.

Requesting your assistance

I mentioned in my previous post that I was going to request the assistance of anyone who can/will help me. What I need is nine people to sign my guild charter on my bank alt, but on Vek’nilash, it’s something of an impossibility.

So my plan is, on Wednesday 22nd, between 18:30 and 19:00 server time (17:30 – 18:00 GMT) on Vek’nilash (EU), my bank alt, Oppy, will be waiting in the Orc starter area. If anyone could create a random Orc to sign my charter, I would be more than grateful and would repay any way I could. If by some miracle, I get nine before that time ends I shall still wait there to thank anyone who turned up. I will also personally thank everyone on the blog too.

Hopefully see you Wednesday


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Opposing Factions

It’s strange, but since hitting level 40+ I’ve met a lot of other levelling players, both Alliance and Horde (not sure where they were all hiding levels 0-39). One of these meetings though, really annoyed me.

I don’t mind a bit of world PvP, in fact, I think it’s quite enjoyable, however, while fighting 3 NPC’s with half your HP left, it’s a bit sly to be attacked by a member of the opposing faction. Three flashes of light consumed me before I realised what was going on because I wasn’t expecting it.

I was livid, especially as they were one level below me. So much that I didn’t even bother with food and drink after I ressed, I didn’t even call my pet before I went looking for them. I soon caught up and dismounted on the move while casting hunters mark. They were being chased by two NPC’s on critically low health, as soon as they realised I was there, they went stealth (druid spell of some kind), obviously not realising I had hunters mark or how it worked; I happily shot them in the back.

I didn’t stop there though I decided to vent my anger three more times on this person for killing me, after that they just seemed to run off when I came near. Maybe that was too harsh? I don’t care, they deserved it.

Anyway, to the point of this post.

It seems that step two in The Big Plan has caused some offence. I asked a friend to join me on this venture and he was more than happy to come along, simply because after nearly 5 years he has never played alliance. However, another friend finds this very distasteful because of his hatred for alliance. He has threatened to transfer one of his level 80’s to our new server and gank us until we go back to Horde (Which would prove quite fun). To sum up his feeling on this…

“The player base is immature, the quests lack depth and the lore that the Horde does and they have gnomes with pink hair for Christ sake“ 

I do hope that Larísa doesn’t take offence to that.

That was the only thing I could get out of him though, as he didn’t want to comment on it at all, he just doesn’t like Alliance full stop.


Anyone who has watched the series Band of Brothers will remember in Episode 3 (I think), one of the men meets a German who lived and grew up just around the corner from where he did, but due to their parent’s nationality, they now fight against each other in the war. This is a great example of my belief in religion, race and any other conflict or opposite that ever existed. How can any side be wrong/evil when given the slightest change in who you are, could result in you being on the other side thinking that the side you are currently on is wrong/evil. There is no rational reason to think that the things you believe are the right things to believe. So a hatred for either faction I find hard to justify.

Even the film Ice Age 2 chips in on this subject. A mammoth who believes she is a possum because she was raised by possums, if she were raised by tigers she would believe she was a tiger. So how can her belief be justified?

What it comes down to is, why this person chose to be Horde in the first place. I chose Horde because my friends played Horde, if they played Alliance, Giarc would be Alliance. Could it be that the choice was entirely random all that time ago, and upon meeting various Alliance along the way, some of them killed him? On the surface you dislike that person (lets face it, no one is over the moon about being killed) but because that person represents the Alliance faction, sub-consciously, you grow a dislike for that faction.

Maybe it’s something I shall never understand, what having played for less than a year, who knows.

This won’t change the plan of course; I still intend to go ahead with step two, although being ganked every two minutes might affect how the plan goes 😉 Guess we shall have to wait to see how that pans out.


P.s. Is my belief that no belief is rational a paradox? Or just irrationa

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3.2 and Emblems

There’s been a lot of talk recently on the new emblem system and how it’s helping (Gevlon branded) ‘Morons and Slackers’

Many people are complaining that the M&S are going to get raiding gear from this and I cannot work out why they are bothered. The only way you could ever meet one of these over geared, under skilled players, is by the means of a PuG, and if you choose to join the pug, you do so at your own risk.

You cannot blame anyone but yourself for a repair bill of a wipe, it is YOUR choice to go with those people, they didn’t force you along, and if your decision was based on their gear level alone then you are as stupid as they are.

So what that slackers can get the gear you can, if you really were that good at raiding you would be in a dedicated guild, and would never once meet them. The only way it would affect you is that you wouldn’t be able to flash your epeen as much standing around in Dalaran thinking you’re special.

It’s certainly not slackers that are flashing in Dalaran, it’s the ones who are able to get top gear and spend thousands upon thousands of gold to buy expensive mounts, those are the real morons. There are no slackers with all BiS gear and a 16,000g mount.

It’s like the people I work with who always complain how people in prison (in England) are getting so many luxuries that we on the outside have to work for. To which my answer always is “So what, I’m glad I worked for mine, it gives me so much self worth”. Moreover, it’s called self-worth because it something you don’t need to brag about and show everyone.

In addition, while were one the subject of so-called morons and slackers, these only exist because the so-called elite think their sh** don’t stink.

You can’t go raiding unless you have the achievement, you can’t get the achievement unless you go on the raid. It’s not being able to obtain credit because you don’t have credit to go on, all over again. So what’s left? Oh look, here’s a nice friendly guild willing to take me along…

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The Victim of a Scam

Having played Oppy (my new hunter) last night, I was reminded why I hate Goblins, no offence Gevlon if you read this. Here’s the scene…

“Oh, hi there Oppy, fancy getting rich real quick?”

Instantly I should have realised this was all bull, but anyway…

“All you need to do is get me 100,000 [Insert really rare and really far away item here] and then I have a plan.”

So off I toddle half way across bloody Azeroth to obtain the items that drop once every millionth kill, then 12 hours later return with less bag space than a model at an airport.

“Hi again Oppy, I see you have those [Insert really rare and really far away item here], if you give them to me, I’ll make us rich in 5 minutes” 

5 minutes later…

“Yeah, turns out it didn’t work, who would have thought. I can’t let you know what happened or will ever let you find out, but trust me… it wasn’t successful. However, I have another idea you can help me with. I’d do it myself but I have a problem at the mansion that I have to attend to, my butler is demanding I pay him. What a cheek.” 

Gahhhh, how is it, if these plans ALWAYS fail, they are so rich. I actually feel like I’m getting scammed by an NPC. Therefore, I am boycotting all Goblin related quests from now on.


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Explaining Myself

Last post I stated that I thought Ulduar was boring, so I thought it might be a good idea to say why. Remember all of this is from a healing standpoint.

First off is the vehicle section, while on initial inspection it seemed great, the novelty wore off after the first go and it became standard. It’s just generally single button bashing. Then there was the Flame Leviathan, which is exactly the same as the first section but in a confined space.

Then we have Razorscale, which is healing the tank on adds, healing the tank on boss, avoid the void zones, basically, the middle drake on OS.

Ignis the Furnace Master is just KT in disguise. Heal the tank until she decides to raid damage (Frost bolt), and occasionally she will Slagpot (Frost blasts) someone.

The list goes on but, all in all, of the encounters I have been to, there is nothing new with healers/healing what so ever. All rather dull just staring at the same bars throughout.

Naxx has many great ideas for healers, some notable ones are stacking de-buffs from trash in the spider wing, the stacking de-buff from Gluth and his decimate ability, and best of all, Loatheb’s no healing sections. All of those directly affect the way you heal not just who you heal. It maybe easier, but Naxx is a lot more fun in my opinion for healers.

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The Ultimate PvP

Rock paper scissors is a brilliant game. Everyone who plays it has three choices and has no restriction of using them, unless of course you have a co-ordination problem. The engineering of the game works on anticipation, counter measures and a lot of luck. Luck aside this is the perfect recipe for a PvP game, this game has the name of chess.

What chess does is give each player the exact same tools and allows them to use these tools at any means (within the tool restrictions) to defeat their opponent. It shines due to its balance of each side. You could go forward with a fast attack but your opponent might have the same idea, so you have to think, countering anything they do while advancing your own offence. 

Blizzard got it so wrong 

Blizzard understand this equality concept but have failed to realise that making their game simple and user friendly, the lack of depth has flawed the PvP side. I’ve played PvP in MMO before and they have all had a lot of fluidity and fast passed changing during play. WoW is too linear, to shallow and just too simple. Take a look at any (apparent) “build set up” on the internet and they’re all the same as each other, meaning a rogue is a rogue is a rogue. So were back to rock paper scissors.

A priest in a battleground is unlucky enough to meet a rogue… /stunlock stunlock, stunlock, dead. Its scissors meets paper.

All good PvP’s should end with someone saying, “Well, I didn’t see that coming”

 What if the priest at the rogue met again, but this time the rogue started with Shadow Word: Pain, the priest (after calling the rogue a cheeky get) would then have to use Dispel Magic on self, certainly not in the game plan. Then the rogue goes in for the stun, but doesn’t realise the priest is going to use Blink. Each one would have to counter each other, the true meaning to ‘player vs. player’, not class-rock paper scissors vs.-class. If your wondering why a rogue used Shadow Word: Pain, see The Problem With Shallow Water.

 A good PvPer is someone who can make use of any tool/situation they are given, and when a tool is taken away, they adapt and work around that with no problem. A bad PvPer is someone who bases an entire strategy on one sole purpose, so when that purpose falls, you will loose.

 This new nerf will draw a line between good PvP players and bad ones. The bad ones will reside to PvP the forums, while the good ones will continue to play with no complaints and have already worked out a new strategy, that is until they are unlucky enough to meet their ‘rock’ in the battleground.

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Colour me Confused

Am I missing something with this whole Engineering Nitro Boots nerf?

Everyone PVP has it, meaning everyone is equal. Now no one has it, so everyone is still equal. Either that or, half the people had it, and are now complaining because they have lost that “advantage”. Advantage being the key word.

I can’t see what the complaint is, if it was taken from a player and given to another they would feel cheated as that player has an advantage over them, yet they can’t see the advantage they have as a ‘cheat’.

Even with taking the same items from everyone, the sum still equals zero.

Having never rolled an Engineer I don’t know a lot about it, however, I’m sure that the boots can’t be the only reason you would spend 3000g learning it. There must be a revenue source there. However, if it was the only reason, you must be stupid to have done it.


An update to my flying mount issue.

Yesterday I flew twice from Venomspite to Naxx Each time taking 84 seconds on my current mout. A faster mount would have saved me 66 seconds, which would have given me more time standing around waiting for everyone else on slower mounts to catch up. There would have been a well spent 5,000g 😀


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Top tips to enjoying your game by doing less

A post at the Pink Pigtail Inn got me inspired to write this list of tips to enjoy your game more.

  • If You Think You Are Trying Too Hard, You Are Thinking Too Much.

There’s little logic in overdoing a job that will not change the outcome. Do only what’s required of you, allowing you time to relax. As a healer, over healing is frowned upon, so I don’t spam buttons. In some five man instances I can sip tea while following other people as rarely is a heal needed; I am therefore relaxed and enjoying the game. Why do 5k dps if doing 2k dps will get the same job done with less effort?

  • Step One is Admitting

Gambling has two outcomes, win or lose. Loosing leads to disappointment and no one wants to lose. However, the golden rule of gambling is, the house always wins. Ignore loot tables; they are only going to lead to disappointment. I remember a person I ran a heroic with, he said, “I’ve been here 7 times; I hope the trinket drops this time”. That person made a gamble those seven times, and when they lost, they felt it was a waste of time, a disappointment and a waste of effort. Hardly a fun game to play.

  • Life is Like a Box of Chocolates; it’s exactly the same on the Bottom Layer.

Once a week destroy something valuable in the game, preferably something that could provide some revenue for you. This will be your gentle reminded that it’s only a bit of fun, and that the items you obtain can easily be obtained repeatedly and again. Forget about the item and laugh in the face of hindsight and regret. Type DELETE and say goodbye, which is until next week when you’re deleting that same item, further proof how easy it was to get.

  • Start, Stop, Sip Some Tea and Repeat.

Make your goal in game to have no goals in game. Anything that happens will so a surprise, especially achievements, when they do happen it’s exciting. It’s not exciting to work specifically on an achievement it’s a chore, therefore the reward becomes a payment.

  • Jam Jars Make Great Paperweights

Avoid people who constantly ask for “Stats and Achievements”. Seriously, everyone has them already, stop asking for them. The easiest way to avoid these people is join LFG with your selection of choice and in comments put “Pick me pick me J”. People who see the funny side to this are fun people.

  • Fold on a Good Hand

If life deals you crappy cards, remember there’s still another 47 left in the deck; you never have to settle with what you have. In WoW, there is nothing that needs doing, only things you want to do. You need to be level 80 to do end game raiding is wrong. You want to end game raid so you want to level to 80. Everything you do is your choice; it’s your game to play.

  • Lateral Thinking

Where there’s a will, there’s someone crazy enough to find a way. Set yourself a pointless and absurd challenge with no other reward that a laugh at the end of it. Like getting a level one character to stand outside Ulduar, it may take ages to get there, as you would have to try to avoid lots and navigate terrain by foot, but it maybe possible with some lateral thinking. Log it on every so often and talk out-loud to people there saying you’re new to the game and lost, can someone help.

  • Do Less

Always do less, less is more. More fun, more surprises, more rewarding, more relaxing, and more enjoyable.

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AFK and Thinking

I’ve been afk for a while recently, mainly due to personal issues, meaning that play time of Warcraft has suffered. However, this has not affected my income. Due to the business partnership created between Robert and I we have an AH alt that has hundreds of goods constantly going on for sale, which is providing a constant and steady income, all is good.

One thing I have been doing recently is a bit of theory crafting, and what a very enjoyable thing it is. Here is something I have been working on.

Go easy on me ;)

Go easy on me 😉

Let me know any thoughts on this, its only basic for the moment, but I think it looks promising. If you would like to see any of the calculation for this or stats I can provide.

Expect a proper update post by the end of the week.


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The Problem with Shallow Water

Sure, you can splash about in it, but after that, there’s not much to do, and there’s only so much splashing you can do before you get bored. You certainly can’t dive into it or go exploring in it to see what you can come out with.

I was not playing WoW at the weekend (the ball and chain was with me) and while not playing, I came across some old games I used to play. One of the games in question was Guild Wars. Please allow me a moment to put on my flame retardant suit, before you verbally abuse me for saying such words. However, I have a very valid reason for bringing up the game, that being, the versatility and depth of the player classes and the spells.

For anyone who has played that game will know exactly what I’m talking about, for anyone who hasn’t played it… The class system works by you choosing one to begin with, there a few different classes to wow but essential you still have DPS, healers and tanks. The main difference is the fact you can choose a second class, as a part breed if you wish, and you will have spells for both of those classes. Then you have attribute points that you can apply to your chosen classes, here is an example.

Self Explanatory Character Stat Tab

Self Explanatory Character Stat Tab

While you are able to choose a second class this does not mean that it’s effectively duel class, as your second class doesn’t even compare to the power of someone with that as a primary class. What it does mean is that you have a few extra tricks up you’re sleeve, these tricks are based upon that a lot of spells in Guild Wars are ‘effect spells’ (spells that effect the next one) and the best part about it was, that there was no spell that the effect spell wont work with. This allows for infinite build and set ups. This included Double Nuke – the ability to cast high damage – high cool down – spells right after each other. Then you had the Triple Nuke, same again but 3 instant cast of the same spell. Moreover, my favourite, the 55hp Monk – Essentially even a low level NPC would one shot this but the build was set in a way that nothing would kill this monk and all damage dealt was reflected.

Over my time playing, I saw many builds invented and even made a few myself. Very few people had the same build as the game allowed for infinite experimentation; this is where I think Warcraft suffers. If you want to be a tank, you will have to have a certain build. If you want to heal, healing classes have a certain build, the only difference between players usually is one or two talent points in different places, however, were still casting the same spells as everyone else.
The only differences in players (besides themselves) are gear. Better gear does not change the way we play, it just means that the healers don’t go out of mana as quick, and that goes for all classes.

• Better DPS gear = Faster kills = Less mana used by healer.
• Better tank gear = Less damage taken = Less mana used by the healer.
• Better healing gear, well you see where this is going.

In Guild Wars someone usually had something that no one else had, an elemental that could self heal, a tank that could rein down meteors. In Warcraft, “I have a new Trinket”, “GZ on the 2 extra spell power than your last one; it’s going to be like a whole new game now”. Hardly.

“I’m an Elemental Leather Worker”
“Ahh welcome to our small and lucrative club, your member number is #4,857,859”

Still, I can’t help but love Warcraft.


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